Saturday, September 4, 2010

playsuit How teaches you to train the baby to eat food the custom

Babyhood feed custom raise: The babyhood attention trains the child to eat food ability, raises the good feed custom.

鈶燼fter 3~4 ages of the moon, should the daytime many for some positive stimulations, if speaks, strokes, plays, stops nursing at night gradually (including artificial feeding).

鈶?~6 month babies introduce other food beginning namely should the training bucket feed, 7~ in August later student use habitually the cup to drink the milk, the water; 9~ October's baby have himself to capture food ability, learns oneself use the bucket, after the chopsticks .1 years old, to be cut off gradually gradually the milk bottle.

鈶ntroduces the different flavor other foods, presses the sense of taste growth.

Increase supplementary food significance

The baby accesary foods are called transition-period food, is weaned food, or trades young food.

Although the mother's milk is the baby most appropriate nutriment, but April after June, the light satisfies the growth and the nutrition need with difficulty depending on the milk class, and sprouts along with the milk teeth, baby's digestion, the absorption as well as metabolism function also day by day consummate, therefore, needs to increase the supplementary food, to be weaned prepares.

Different feeds the way increase supplementary food the content slightly to have the difference. Breast feeding is increases the formula milk or the milk gradually by substitutes the mother's milk completely, simultaneously introduces other foods; Partial breast feeding or artificial feeding introduce other foods gradually, causes the baby to transit finally from the pure breast class diet to the semi-solid and solid food, completes the adult meals the significant transformation. This process must have the transitional stage and the adaptation process (needs 6 months generally), should train the baby gradually and eats food ability to each kind of food affection as well as the good food habit.

Increase supplementary food principle

Increases when the supplementary food should according to the baby actual need and the digesting system mature degree, the deference proceeds in an orderly way the principle to carry on.

鈶燜rom few to many: Enables the baby to have an adaptation process.

鈶rom thinly to thick: Namely starts from the fluid medium to the semiliquid food to the solid.

鈶rom thin to thick: If from the vegetable juice to the vegetable putty, after the milk teeth sprouts, may try the food broken vegetable.

鈶rom one kind to many kinds of: After being familiar with one kind of food, adds another kind again, cannot simultaneously increase several kinds; If presents the dyspepsia to suspend feeding this kind of supplementary food,(Related Articlesbaby boutique dresses In telephone's knowledge), after treating restores normally, again from starts the quantity or the small amount feeds.

鈶he weather is burning hot and when the baby is sick, should postpone to increase the new variety.

Increase supplementary food concrete step and method

April to June increase method: Baby April to June when the salivary gland only then grows completely, this time the saliva quantity obviously increases, and rich amylase, and this time baby in vivo storage iron consumption already, therefore then increases the ferri formula rice noodle or cereal food from 4 months. Also the coca food vegetable putty, like the spinach, the green vegetables, the potato, the pumpkin and so on, the vegetable oil altogether gives the rich quantity of heat, includes the unsaturated fatty acid, and may increase food fragrance, should also increase promptly. Must insist many times feeds with the small bucket, trains the baby to chew swallows semi-solid food the ability. This time baby to food happy wicked not very intense,playsuit, after in June, baby's independency appears gradually,kids toys, to food can indicate that likes and loathes, therefore after postponing the increase supplementary food may extend, feeds the difficulty. Just started feeds when the supplementary food should after nursing is the oral administration, from 1-2 buckets starts, gradually adds to 3-4 buckets, daily 2 times. Request after in June, the supplementary food quantity may replace 1-2 young quantities. Food character is pulpy food: If the rice sticks, thin rice gruel, egg-yolk, bean curd, animal blood, fish putty, vegetable putty, fruit putty and so on. The main meal is 6 milks (at night stops nursing), the supplementary food dines adds gradually to 1-2 times; The study uses the bucket oral administration.

July to September increase method: This time the baby milk teeth has sprouted, should add the biscuit promptly, the slice of bread, solid foods and so on steamed bun piece promotes the tooth to grow, and trains the mastication ability. The daily breast class total quantity does not surpass 800ml., because the digestion function is further mature, may increase the rotten gruel, the rotten surface, the broken vegetable, the mince meat, the fish putty, the liver putty, foods and so on entire egg, cause the recipes to be richly colorful, the cooked food is various, increases the young child appetite. This time uses tableware's keen time for the mastication and the oral administration study and the study, should transit gradually to the three meals a day cereal and 2-3 times nurses. Food character is end shape food: If gruel, rotten surface, toasted bun piece, biscuit, fish, entire egg, liver putty, mince meat and so on. The main meal is 4 milks, the supplementary food dines is 1 meal food and 1 fruit. The study drinks the fluid medium with the cup.

October to December increase method: Because the baby digests the function to further consummate, therefore in before recipes foundation the coca lean meat, chopped the powder dust to join in the gruel or the noodles with boils, favored the digestion absorption. Food character is broken food: If the thick gruel, the soft food, the noodles, the steamed bun, the broken vegetable, the hashed meat, the bean product, brings stuffing food and so on. The main meal 3 meal foods,fashion kids shoes, maintain the daily breast measure about 500ml to 3 years old; The main meal is 3 meal foods, auxiliary meal is 2-3 milks and 1 fruit. Baby study grasps the food, with the bucket, is cut off gradually the milk bottle.

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