Monday, August 23, 2010

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On May 4, Fuyang attaches the elementary school to raise student's innovation ability,(Related Articlestop toddler toys Although the order form is increa), the reform tradition classroom instruction pattern, "Carries a rod and asks for punishment" the textbook in deducts the miniature modern drama.

Schoolmates use the fresh flower, the waste plastic paper,baby girls, the disposable paper glass and so on worn out raw material self-restraint ancient costume,baby blanket knitting pattern, the self-written and directed miniature modern drama "Carries a rod and asks for punishment", the knowledge transforms the books in as the nimble practice performance, transforms the writing suits stage show's pet phrase to make peace the physique movement. Through the performance,award winning toddler toys, schoolmates increased had understood to the textbook knowledge idiom that simultaneously also strengthened children's environmental consciousness.

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The children are curious, they are glad oneself to explore, oneself discovered that a small leaf, small toy Che Duneng causes baby's inquisition desire, in losing, only felt that baby's shouting is one kind disturbs, does not observe the discipline, perhaps the teacher had not felt in the baby eye has not completed the exploration the regret. But the teacher is only continues downward to narrate eagerly, has asked to achieve the teaching goal and the procedure, but had not thought that the baby has harvested how many.

Many educationalists, the psychologists believed that pedology science's process obtains the scientific content and the fact is more important than, the child discovered that the thing knew their truth is more important. This indicates the baby in the activity the independent exploration process importance. In the scientific teaching activity, we should provide the baby to explore the research independently the time and the space, but the baby will attempt with the different way experiences, discovered that will record with own way, with the little friend exchange, in the discussion will comb own mentality again,knit baby socks, defined discovered between the thing relations,(Related Articleskids clothes How rewiring xp does the system, teach you with), will act according to own record in the exchange to explain: How does he is do, why has such result, when the opinion refutes with other people must argue with the human, because had own personal experience, the children are glad, dare to express, finally in one time carries on the exploration, draws the correct conclusion. Each children can express itself to make in boldly the experiment process the discovery and the different view. In addition, somewhat tests the baby to be able to complete independently, but tests needs the companion to cooperate, group discussion, exploration. For example, in the magnet activity, after the children practices, speaks in abundance: The magnet can hold anything, cannot hold anything. Subsequently, teacher guides the baby: Why can some things hold by the magnet, what similarity do they have? After the baby groups the cooperation experiment, constructed the magnet to be able on own initiative to hold hard or the hard product this knowledge system, and discovered that the cooperation might cause the matter to do well, thus stimulated the baby to be glad to the cooperation the desire. Teacher in is only appears by guide's status, the child is the exploration main body,baby gear, the children the knowledge which obtains through own exploration, speaks reliable many which directly compared to teacher grasps.

The independent inquisition, the development, the time which and the space inquired into independently for the child, lets the children bold attempt, discovered that science interest, marvelous, stimulates their inquisition enthusiasm, lets them be good at observing since childhood, discovered that in the science inquired into that develops.

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new born baby accessories The elementary student took poison to die the last words saying that is co

After the Shuangliao 13 year old of elementary school female students are on vacation from school, took medicine dies

The guardian shows child's seven character last words is teacher she compels me!

Had the student and the guardian said: Teacher in charge teacher criticized should live, but also has punished by forcing to stand two classes, should fresh cry two classes

School authorities: This matter school and teacher do not have the responsibility

Teacher in charge: Besides the normal education, does not have any extreme behavior

It is reported that on May 19, after the Jilin Province Shuangliao city clothing town 51 village elementary school 6 grade 13 year-old girls Chen Yanan is on vacation from school in the afternoon first goes home, under the clothing the agricultural chemicals, dies invalid after the rescue in that evening. After the corpse cremates, the guardian on the daughter diary had discovered two pages of posthumous writings, involve teacher, in posthumous writings is teacher she compels me! Seven characters. Takes medicine the suicide case in view of this student, after the Shuangliao municipal public security bureau investigates, said that firmly is the suicide, after Shuangliao city Bureau of Education investigates, recognizes the school and teacher, in the student dies in the event not to have the responsibility .27 dates, reporter found that this school therefore event already suspended classes for two days, and has the student and the guardian confirmed that teacher has criticized Chen Yanan truly, but also has punished by forcing to stand two classes, Chen Yanan has cried two classes. Bureau of Education said that did not know has related new situation which seven character's posthumous writings and reporter investigate, will continue to this matter to investigate.

Commits suicide the girl last words

Family member: After being on vacation from school, drinks the agricultural chemicals suicide

on 27th the afternoon, reporter arrives at the Shuangliao city clothing nearby the town 51 villages and small towns to store Chen Yanan the first family, saw Chen Yanan 20 relatives in her family, the whole family still occupied in the brokenhearted. Grandpa Chen Yanan kneels in ground, paternal grandmother embraces the granddaughter is carrying daily before death the book bag to cry to retrieve the granddaughter,(Related Articlesbaby doll dress The child making mistakes parents do not wan), mother sits in ground cries to rip the heart check lung, several family member upwards support by the arm cannot support by the arm, the relatives are also each are bursting into tears. According to Grandma Chen Yanan says, the big granddaughter Asia cedar the town 51 elementary schools reads the sixth-grade level first in the Shuangliao city clothing, on 19th past 5:00 pm, the Asian cedar is on vacation from school goes home, her outhouse is digging up the green onion, as soon as gains ground sees the child to carry book bag passing through the gate, said that the big granddaughter came back. The Asian cedar with the nose to her humph one, looks very withers, probably the heart is not suitable. Several minutes later, the Asian cedar tells paternal grandmother to telephone, rushes to the telephone to walk, after the dial, opposite party nobody meets, Chen Yanan cried to say the sentence old paternal aunt ......Latter runs back oneself room, she with the past discovered afterward the big granddaughter sudden upper body lies prone on the bed, the lower part of the body is digging, both hands counter-back in behind. Paternal grandmother shouts the daughter-in-law busily, comes quickly, the child pulled out! As soon as two people careful looked that child's control is the pink color, after holding sits up, was discovering that the child corners of the mouth have the powder, in the nose toward leave choke the powder, as soon as looked again nearby in bed's plastic cup the base has the pink color liquid. The daughter-in-law said that the child drank the medicine probably, the outhouse was putting the few half bottle of corn planted the clothes medicinal preparation high poisonous agricultural chemicals not to have. Saw that the child life is critically ill, the family member telephones to shout the child her father, because of the journey mud, child her father drives the four wheeler to deliver the child to 51 village oil anode circuits, also hits Che Dao the clothing the first town center public health center. Past 6:00 pm, although rescues with all one's strength after doctor, also has not been able to save child's life.

Posthumous writings: Is teacher she compels me!

Midnight, child's corpse is delivered the same day the Shuangliao city funeral parlor .20 dates, the family member looks Shuangliao city Bureau of Education to request to send for to investigate this matter .21 dates, examines after medical examiner, the child body surface does not have the flesh wound .22 dates, the corpse in the local funeral parlor cremation, the bone ash to scatter by the family member under Liaoning Province Changtu County three Jiangkou bridges in the river.

According to Chen Yanan daddy says, daughter honest sincere, but usually speaks chats a spot not to be introverted, the study and makes the stubborn disposition which the matter has does not concede.

Commits suicide the girl before death the picture

Chen Yanan daddy said that he has two children, big daughter Chen Yanan 13 years old, a youngest daughter 5 year old of .22 date past 4:00 pm, he goes home after the funeral parlor, in the daughter book bag's new diary discovered that page of posthumous writings, on write are teacher she compel me! Seven characters. Tightens is torn up by this page of diary page. Afterward grandfather in a granddaughter room water jar discovered that the water surface is floating that page of diary paper which tears down, on writes father and mother, when you see my time, I on the road, I actually already had already wanted to leave, I do not only have this courage, I did not know that teacher is staring why always at me, always cannot have a liking for me to resemble, whenever she said my time, I always thought that does not have the face specially, finally, I could not endure patiently! This diary together with seven character posthumous writings diary papers by police after the postmortem examination took the related evidence material to take away.

Why Chen Yanan can leave behind two such posthumous writings? The family member said that this last words showed sufficiently, child's death and criticizes her teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang related, this waits for the Department concerned further verifies to the school authorities. In the interview Aunt Chen Yanan lies down on the kang, the vision delay, a few words had not said.

The family member indicated that has these two pages of posthumous writings and so on related material to take the evidence, through the legal proceeding, teacher in charge teacher who and will be concerned to the school for the child who died will ask for a view.

The family member cries to make a group

Chen Yanan Aunt Chen Xiaona said that after the niece died, she once went to the Shuangliao city clothing the first town center school, saw in the school gate mouth this school Principal Sun Zhong the kernel, 51 village elementary school Principal Wang Fuchang and village cell secretary the willow tree luck, she asks two principals, if you said that this matter and the school have not related me to walk. Principal Sun said how can not relate. Afterward three people arrive at the public health center. At that time the family member requested Principal Wang to contact with the child teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia, queried the child to have any matter in the school, possibly was feared that the family member mood was excited, both sides had the conflict, Mr./Mrs. Wang have not gone to the hospital. Until now the family member has not seen Mr./Mrs. Wang. It is known that Wang Yinxia is 30 about year-old female teacher.


Teacher punishes by forcing to stand to Chen Yanan

Afterward reporter interviewed several students and the guardian. Fourth-grade student Chen Moumou said that on 19th studies by oneself early, sixth-grade level teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang arrives at their classroom entrance, said to their Ban Li Mr./Mrs.: My Ban Youlia have not completed the work, Jiang Yuerang I took the book to hit, Chen Yanan let me punish by forcing to stand.

The sixth-grade level student Jiang Yue family Yangtze River establishes a theory: Listens to the child to go home to mumble, teacher took the book to hit my family child head, (referred to Jiang Yue and Chen Yanan) for this pairs child has punished by forcing to stand, stood the long time I not to ask.

Sixth-grade level student guardian Chen Shusen said that his child went home to him saying that Chen Yanan is punished by forcing to stand by teacher two classes, has cried two classes, afterward tidies up the book bag to go home not to read.


Feared that the guardian suspended classes noisily for two days

on 27th afternoon, reporter arrives at 51 village elementary schools, the front door cages, the entire drill ground is empty, does not have a person. Said that was teaches preschool's Mr./Mrs. Wang Zhong Hua saying that teacher and the students had a vacation, the entire school on him and the gate guard two people, principal held a meeting. Authorizes by town center school principal, because Schoolmate Chen Yanan commits suicide the matter, feared that the family member makes, the school already suspended classes for two days. This school altogether 12 teachers, each grade class, 6 class altogether more than 100 students. Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia is the pear tree Normal school graduation, taught for 78 years. To his knowledge, at that time Mr./Mrs. Wang said to Chen Yanan mathematics you write English, I say can understand what is heard? Chen Yanan stood, let her sit down she not to sit down.

Principal: The school and teacher do not have the responsibility

Because the family member thought that the school to this matter accountability, reporter through telephone segment 51 village elementary school Principal Wang Fuchang .21 date that day, has looked the Bureau of Education three departments to the school is related teacher and the student investigates. The police station public security production brigade, departments and so on criminal police production brigade already proved that this matter school and teacher do not have the responsibility. Teacher in charge teacher the matter which punishes by forcing to stand for Schoolmate Chen Yanan does not have absolutely. Chen Yanan writes the thing is the genuine and fake needs the technical appraisal, and is the idea which child guessed. Chen Yanan teacher in charge Wang Yinxia is the school advanced backbone teacher. To the Chen Yanan death whether with school related, he said that we did not know. As soon as regarding suspending classes, he called these two day of family members to help the human to make, frightened the student has feared, the family member said that must come continuously noisy seven days, forced the school to suspend classes. Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia trades newly the calling card, he does not know the number.

Reporter arrives at teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia the family, his/her mother-in-law said that Wang Yinxia the mother resulted in cerebral thrombus, she returned to the ch'eng chia t'un maternal home, Wang Yinxia did not have the handset, was unable to relate.

Police: The student is firmly commits suicide

In view of this matter, Shuangliao municipal public security bureau people in charge said that after it happened,new born baby accessories, in the bureau sends the public security, the criminal police two production brigade personnel to form the survey team to go to investigate, Chen Yanan is firmly the suicide, the family member does not have the objection to its suicide. After the investigation,cheap kids clothing stores, the police had not said that the school and teacher do have the responsibility.

Bureau of Education: Not corporal punishment and in disguised form corporal punishment

In the evening, reporter arrives at Shuangliao city Bureau of Education. The disciplinary inspection monitor chamber and the security branch two people in charge accepted reporter to interview. According to monitor chamber Director Wei Lianfu introduced that on 19th past 10:00 pm, the bureau leaders receive the school the report .20 date mornings which dies about Chen Yanan, the family member arrive in the bureau the reflection situation, and hands in Chen Yanan posthumous writings which stays behind to the guardian. The same day, bureau Assistant Deputy Secretary Liu Guanghui charges the policies and regulations branch, the disciplinary inspection monitor chamber, the security branch three departments to unite the composition survey team immediately to 51 village elementary schools, carries on the investigation to this school several concerned teachers and the student. Knew after the investigation: The same day 7.40 points, the student to the school on the early class, teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia counsels mathematics, an every two student group to answer. Mr./Mrs. Wang discovers Chen Yanan and river month two schoolmates not to the answer, and is writing English work, how asks Chen Yanan you not to the answer? Chen Yanan had not replied that teacher has not punished by forcing to stand .8dian10 the minute to attend class officially, the 1st class class in English on just, Chen Yanan to Mr./Mrs. Zhang Xiaohui who taught English asked for leave must go home, Mr./Mrs. Zhang let Chen Yanan ask the teacher in charge to ask for leave, Chen Yanan looked for teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. immediately Wang, Chen Yanan said to Mr./Mrs. Wang, she did not want to read in this, wanted to go to the outside areas, after Mr./Mrs. Wang and the Chen Yanan daddy telephone communication, daddy had not agreed that Mr./Mrs. Wang returned to Chen Yanan the class and grade. According to Mr./Mrs. Zhang says, after Chen Yanan returns to the classroom, flushes the wall profile in own seat place to stand, lets her sit down, she did not sit, has stood a class. The second section was also the class in English, Chen Yanan has sat down, attended a lecture normally, was on vacation from school until the afternoon 4.20 points, teacher and the student reflected, Chen Yanan not exceptionally.

Director Wei said that through investigates teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia, English Mr./Mrs. Zhang Xiaohui as well as four knows the circumstances of the matter schoolmate, Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia in educates Chen Yanan in the process, does not have excessively many extreme languages, also does not have the corporal punishment and in disguised form the corporal punishment student, recognizes the school and teacher, in the student dies in the event not to have the responsibility. It is known that Chen Yanan in the class and grade is the first five students, 13 year-old child like this walked, the school and Bureau of Education express deeply the sympathy. If the family member refuses to accept in bureau's investigation to recognize, suggested the family member may walk the legal proceeding.

In view of reporter proposed that the knowing the circumstances of the matter student and guardian's different view, Director Wei indicated: He these new situations to the bureau leader report, and does the thorough investigation.

Teacher in charge:

Not any extreme behavior

After Bureau of Education and elementary school principal's coordinated, Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia has accepted reporter the telephone interview. According to Mr./Mrs. Wang says, punishes by forcing to stand the matter to Jiang Yue and Schoolmate Chen Yanan not to have, also has not said Chen Yanan anything. Besides the normal education, she does not have any extreme behavior. Chen Yanan is a good student, the self-respect is very strong. Hasn't completed the work why as for her and specifically has at home had any matter,cute little girls clothes, asked that she did not say. Not the means and her father have communicated, such selects the matter. Can commit suicide why regarding the child, I also have the doubts. Regarding the Chen Yanan two pages of posthumous writings, Mr./Mrs. Wang explains said: I did not know that this child psychology is such extreme, when do I stare at her not to put?

They simultaneously write English work by me to discover that has hit the river month I to forget, has not bumped absolutely to Chen Yanan, this point student may prove. Mr./Mrs. Wang said; English teacher two days remains ahead of time the work, Chen Yanan usually does not have does not complete the work time, I really did not understand is any reason. The child has not completed the work, telephoned to the guardian, I thought that is very normal. After firing off the telephone, I urge her several, good easy to learn, the child is very happy.

Mr./Mrs. Wang said: This child has taught from one year to six year me, she is an introverted child absolutely, I like this child very much. The child educated has been too difficult, teacher might say that might not say does not dare to say. Mr./Mrs. Wang indicated that her has worked as teacher's responsibility, thought that now very suffering from injustice .28 date 16:30, reporter found, in the morning, the Bureau of Education Department concerned two times comes this school investigation the same day. The same day the clothing the town 51 village elementary schools restore first attend class, sixth-grade level teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang has not gone to work, serves as a substitute teacher by other teachers.

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With decorates with red streamers scarf's picture according to three generations, shoots one picture which father and mother massages somebody's back by tapping for, the elementary school second grade students must complete the poetry, the elementary school third grade student must write English paper ......These two days, named "Such Homework Lei Ren Is also exhausting" posting in Jinhua gold late forum very fire. After should paste on March 13 8878 is sent out by the net friend, one continually many days by father and mother are gone against in the home page.

As the guardian, I very difficult to comprehend teaching intention. But some works, the child does not have ability to complete independently.

Reporter when interview found that sends the placard 8878 surname golds slightly, her son strong (alias) is the Jinhua urban district some elementary school fourth grade student. Last Wednesday, the young strong teacher in charge has arranged a homework: According to teacher's request, after each student goes home, must illuminate three generations with to decorate with red streamers scarf's picture, moreover, but also wants the three generations to hang young pioneer's single to illuminate. How does teacher photograph to the picture also has the concrete requests, in which character wants to be with smile on the face, the picture composition must till the shoulder and so on.

Ms. Jin said: I and child's father go to work in the urban district, but grandfather, paternal grandmother, the grandfather, the grandmothers lives in the countryside, must ask them to take a group photo, is not an easy matter.

In order to complete the homework which teacher arranges, Ms. Jin and the husband asked for leave in pairs to the unit, also spends hires a photographer, buys several young pioneers, when while son midday rest,cool kids clothing, drives to go to more than 50 kilometer outside the parents family photographs. Couple's work is quite busy, back and forth catches up with for the photograph, not only delayed the respective work, also has spent many money. But child's grandfather, paternal grandmother has the midday nap custom, to photograph with is also exhausting oneself, but must press teacher's request to be stiff the face maintains a smiling face.

The one who lets the human ponder over is airtight, teacher wants the child to go home to shoot such picture intention what in? Is activity which the Young Pioneers do to deal with the higher authority to be assorted the inspection? Ms. Jin believed that such homework somewhat tires the people and squanders resources. Afterward, she carried on the understanding specially to the school, originally was a school to construct a smiling face wall,(Related Articlesdiscount kids clothes Ultra lovable 12 constellation baby nu), so dragged in too many people makes these pictures, to beautify the campus? To child's study, the growth has is assorted the help? Ms. Jin asks in reply like this.

According to Ms. Jin reflected, to complete this approaching bored homework, several days, this elementary school nearby photo studio is one after another busy is heavily engaged, but the price is also rising suddenly, photographs sets of 4 7 inch pictures to ask a price 70 Yuan.

The Ms. as soon as Jin card comes out,pumpkin patch kids clothing, obtains many net friend's responses immediately. The net friend 123 said that his daughter on Jinhua urban district north of the Changjiang River some elementary school the fourth grade, last week, teacher also gave the child to arrange Lei a Ren homework. Must shoot to give daddy, mother massages somebody's back by tapping, the massage picture, the achievement learns from Lei Feng the date activity the proof.

123 said that the such work by no means first time, Spring Festival period, the child is also requested to do the housework, must photograph is a card. He said: Only then does several year-old child, where need guardian they do the housework,kids toys, could study well is good. The picture shoots, in the hand also laid down exactly. Mr. Qian thought that the school arranges such work not to be big to the child profit, child also possible, therefore the academic society uses deception.

Family yesterday which is exhausting regarding these Lei Renyou, nearly all returned to the net friends who pasted to propose the opposition sound. Net friend Mr. Xu said that the daughter is the elementary school second grade, teacher requests her to write one to eulogize the native place poet Qing poetry, the child only then knew how many characters, create sentences difficultly, how to compose a poem?

Also some net friend said that his daughter only then attends the elementary school third grade, learns ABC soon, teacher requests the child to write one about English study paper. Finally, daddy could not but let the daughter from net over a hundred degrees one report on accomplishments settles. This is the my first time cheats. His receipt said.

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7. the polished japonica rice or the millet 50 grams, boil the gruel to 100 milliliters, takes every day 3 times, each time 30 milliliters. Is suitable for half year-old within the young child diarrhea.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

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These days are the peasant laborer enter a city busily, boss recruits workers busily,kids shoes, the elementary and middle school students copy the work busily. Nanning guardians sigh.

Winter vacation soon finished,(Related Articlesinfant baby clothes Novice mother roars the baby t), plays first after the part catches up with the elementary and middle school students say, has not completed the holiday task has become their worry. Reporter observes in Nanning, for the last few days, accompanies the student who the library does one's assignment to increase, even in the MacDonald Kentuckey and cafe and so on some places, may also see that frequently 3322 elementary and middle school students crowd together do one's assignment.

Nanning middle school's second day student Li Canqiang told the reporters, because in the winter vacation wallows the network game,discount kids shoes, has not made the winter vacation work. Must begin school shortly, the parents press him only then to start to do one's assignment. But the time is tight, the work are many, only could take schoolmate's work to copy. Wanted to play happily first originally has done one's assignment again, could not think that played plays, winter vacation all of a sudden passed. He said a little embarrassed.

Reporter in the interview also found that to walk the shortcut, has quite part of students in all directions to search the work answer in the network, some also on-line send the placard to seek help. And what is more carries on entire family general mobilization, lets grandfather paternal grandmother, father and mother help to do in a hurry the work. Regarding this, many guardians feel worried. The family was occupied by a Nanning resident way out surname Li the guardian saying:As soon as this vacation, my that reads the high two sons to get out of bed every day soaks on-line plays the game, has played the middle of the night, how to persuade not to listen. Winter vacation the work has not seen him to write,baby gift, must begin school shortly he only then anxiously to run up to schoolmate the family to copy the work, is been really anxious the human.

Some students were very sly 0.1 second day students saying:Vacation I caught up with from the very beginning copy the work, copied well had felt relieved that played! As soon as usually father and mother come me to disguise to write earnestly, pondered earnestly 0.1 teachers believed that these student's independent thinking and solves the question ability to be similarly anxious.

The educational expert pointed out that present's family only child are many, the guardian will not give up the criticism or will not criticize easily to create spoils, will be disadvantageous to children's healthy development. Elementary and middle school students' most important task is the study. Although in the vacation, the guardian must supervise them to complete the plan ahead of time, the science arranges the study and the work and rest time, the hand-in-hand processing line width strict union moderate supervision, only then as for presents when the vacation quick conclusion does not catch up with copies the work the phenomenon. Copies the work to be useless to elementary and middle school students' body and mind, the guardian should perform to guide, to supervise the children to complete the work independently.

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The child has a vacation nobody attendance, stimulates in the campus moves replaces has a vacation

61 are children's holidays, about revised "National Lunar new year's season And Commemoration day Had a vacation Means" the decision according to the State Council, the children's day (on June 1) has a vacation 1 day of .5 month less than 14 year-old youth on 31st, reporter visits urban district many elementary schools, the kindergarten had discovered that the most schools do not have a vacation in 61 same days,organic baby blanket, the children's day had a vacation makes not to have the school execution nearly.

City straight institution kindergarten's Mr./Mrs. Wang told the reporters,kids shoes, every year's 61 children's days, the city straight institution kindergarten nearly ever does not have a vacation. Because we must complete to the guardian serve 0.61 children's days are not guardian's holidays, if the children had a vacation nobody attendance, will have the danger. Considered student's safety factor, the kindergarten many by stimulates in the garden moves replaces has a vacation, celebrates the holiday for the children. Reporter in afterward interview found that in Weifang, the nearly all kindergarten children's day does not have a vacation.

The family lives in the high and new zone residential Ms. Liu does not have a vacation to the children's day child expresses the understanding. Ms. Liu told the reporters,girl dresses, oneself and gentleman usually work is quite busy, this year's children's day is Tuesday, the unit does not have a vacation. If the school has a vacation, on second grade's children can only a person in the home, be very unsafe. Moreover the child cannot provide lodging oneself, can only at home look that the television or plays the computer,(Related Articlesnewborn baby clothes The remaining behind to take), this day then in vain wastes. Ms. Liu said that last year's 61 children's day school put has assumed quite a while, oneself helpless only could lead the child to go to work. Mr. Zhao who goes to work in the hospital the belt child went to the gold paradise last Sunday, Mr. Zhao indicated that the holiday do not have the time at the same day, only could celebrate a holiday ahead of time to the child. Mr. Zhao believed that the children's day participates in the activity at the same day in the school, has the significance to the child.

Likes playing is children's instinct. When happy street elementary school interview, many students expressed that the hope children's day can have a vacation. The sixth-grade student slightly translates told the reporters, usually every weekend, oneself were passes in each kind of interest class, has not played nearly time. The children's day does not need to participate in the remedial class, if may have a vacation, I am certainly friends with on amusing one day. Slightly translates a face expectation.

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Winter vacation period,kids clothing, the student and the guardian is together time many. Teacher suggested that the vacation guardian do not forget to help the child to formulate the explicit study goal, supervises the child to carry on the physical training.

The guardian must supervise the child to complete the work which teacher arranges, chooses some family educations according to the actual situation, the remedial class,(Related Articlesbaby bibs How do you treat others, others also possibly how treat you!), but must pay attention do not arrange too child's vacation anxiously, must give the child a relaxation has the vacation. Some guardians have reported 45 remedial classes for the child, only leaves behind Spring Festival the long vacation to do one's assignment. Not only such weary war cannot help the child, instead will increase its pressure.

Similarly, this winter vacation, the third day student entered the recuperation time, no matter usually the result how, third day each students do have the potential. Why has the quite many student's potential not to display? A most main reason is the psychological quality is not high. Some students the result is very usually good, but once some examination result is not ideal cannot find way out, even wants to temporarily leave school, leaves school, degrades, the guardian and teacher's admonishment does not help matters. Also some students,little girls clothes, to greet the test, the guardian compels is studying, evening learns 12 o'clock, 4,5:00 am get out of bed, but had still not been able to pass an examination the ideal university. The guardian thought that so long as the study time long effect will be obvious,cheap kids clothing, have never realized has like this actually violated cerebrum's revolution rule.

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The Xihu Longjing tea, the Oolong tea, the blue spiral spring, the Xinyang wool point, the Duyun wool point, the Mt. Huangshan Mao fong, the Liuan green tea, the keemun black tea, the Wuyi crag tea, the Jun acupuncture needle and said that our country ten big famous teas, the fine reputation broadcasts far, becomes drinks tea elects. However the near next year ten big famous teas will also present many fake products, below to everybody introduced that these famous teas the chief feature and will know the false method.

1st, the Xihu Longjing tea, produces in the Zhejiang Hangzhou Xihu area, the tea is the sector, the leaf is delicate, the linearity is neat, the width is consistent, is the green yellow, feel is smooth, a bud or two; The bud excels in the leaf, generally below the length 3 centimeters, the bud leaf becomes evenly, does not bring to clamp the peduncle, the fragment, small and exquisite. The Longjing flavor delicate fragrance, the counterfeit Longjing many are the clear grass taste, clamps the peduncle to be many, feel is not smooth.

2nd, the blue spiral spring, produces in Jiangsu Wu County Tai Lake's Tungting lake Shan Biluo the peak. The silver bud revealed that one bud one, the tea total length is 1.5 centimeters, every 500 grams have 58,000 - 70,000 bud heads, the bud for the white bold curl shape, the leaf for the curl clear green, the phyllotaxis young tender, even bright. What assumes is one bud two, the bud leaf length is uneven, assumes the yellow.

3rd, the Xinyang wool point, produces in the Henan Xinyang vehicle Yunshan. Its contour strip rope tight thin, circle, light, straight, the silver green hidden green jade, the endosarc fragrance is fresh, phyllotaxis light green even, clear black, generally a bud or bud two, what assumes is the curl shape, the leaf blade turns yellow.

4th, the Jun acupuncture needle, produces in Hunan Yoyang Jun. By fat shoot which has not launched is made, bud stout and strong stiff, uniform uneven, throws over the cilia completely, the luster golden yellow luminous, the fragrance is fresh, dark brown light yellow, the taste is sweet and refreshing, swells looks like the bud point to fire into the water surface, stands erect hanging, then sinks slowly the cup bottom, the shape like group bamboo shoots is unearthed, also looks like the silver knife erectness. The false acupuncture needle for the clear grass taste, after soaking, the acupuncture needle cannot stand erect.

5th, the Liuan green tea, produces in Anhui Liuan and Jinzhai two county Qi Yunshan. Its contour is flat and smooth, each piece does not bring the bud and the stem stem, the leaf assumes the green to be smooth, micro overlaps upwardly, takes the form of the melon seed, the endosarc fragrance is aloof from worldly affairs, the water color is deep green, the taste returns sweetly, phyllotaxis thick bright. False flavor painstakingly, color quite yellow.

6th, the Mt. Huangshan Mao fong,(Related Articlesbaby bibs With the child discussed that the nature), produces in Anhui She County Mt. Huangshan. Its contour delicate curl, the bud is slightly stout and strong, uniform uneven, has the front hao, the shape a little looks like the que she, the leaf assumes golden yellow; The luster light green glossy, the fragrance is fresh, the water color is limpid, apricot yellow, bright, the taste is mellow, returns to Gansu, phyllotaxis bud Ye Chengduo, thick bright. The false tea assumes sienna, taste pain, phyllotaxis inadequate.

7th, the keemun black tea, produces in Anhui Qimen County. Tea color for brown red, slivers 0.6-0.8 centimeter, the flavor is thick, intense mellow, fresh crisp. The false tea has the artificial color generally, the taste is bitter and astringent, light, the strip leaf shape is uneven.

8th, the Duyun wool point, produces in Guizhou Duyun County. Tea light green uniform uneven, tiny short thin, at the beginning of bud unfolds, takes the form of the que she, long 2 12.5 centimeters, contour strip rope tight thin, the curl, the soft body hair revealed that luster green Run, endosarc fragrance clear tender, fresh, returns sweetly, the water color is limpid, phyllotaxis light green uniform uneven. The false tea bottom is not uniform, taste pain.

9th, the Oolong tea,kids costumes, produces in the Fujian Anxi County. The leaf heavy heavy like iron, the shape US like Goddess of Mercy, assumes the helix much, the luster green emerald, smooth, green peduncle, has the natural blue flower fragrance, the soup color limpid golden yellow, taste mellow delightful, the entrance micro painstakingly, transfers immediately sweetly, bears swells, phyllotaxis development, dark green red side, plump bright, each tea brings tea, the false tea foliate is long and is thin, the strip rope is thick,discount designer children's clothes, not verdant red side, after the leaf soaks three, then does not have the fragrance.

10th, the Wuyi crag tea, produces in the Fujian Chong'an County. The contour strip rope is stout and strong, tightening, even, the belt twists the linearity, is named the clear slug head, the blade babbitting has the frog skinny sand grains, the popular name frog back, the endosarc sweet smell, meaningful, the taste returns mellowly painstakingly, the lubrication is tasty,kids clothing, the soup color is orange yellow, limpid gorgeous, phyllotaxis uniform bright, edge bright red or red spot, central mesophyll Huang Lvse, the leaf vein buff color, bears soaks above 6-8 times, the false tea starts the taste to be pale, owes the flavor dry, the luster dark.

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This period of time temperament is getting more and more bad,kids shoes, was completely lawless. Does not fear anybody. Wants to make anything to do. It is not willing to do also cannot demand/, so long as a little does not throw the thing along his Italy. Has a fit of temper.Today throws the thing on the bed. I have hit his several buttocks,(Related Articlespersonalized baby gift ideas [interview]CH intervi),handmade baby gift ideas, he continues to lose. Then I hit quite fiercely, his eye is squinting,popular kids toys, lived under the sulks then to squat the ma bu preparation to pull the urine on the bed to retaliate me .....Day. How such a! I thought that his that posture is not right. As soon as hugs immediately him gets out of bed gets out of bed oneself to look the dog urine to try to pull in the trash can!How to manage has not had two year old of such bad. How later should I educate him .....................................

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Last Friday that day shook to the being on vacation from school time goes leisurely the baby and reaches the dike to meet,girl dresses, this period of time baby academic society opened in family's gate each time to run back the family compared to me to go first to open the gate waits I to come back to open the door again to me,discount designer children's clothes, probably was enjoying alone makes master's feeling in the home to resemble.
Today is not exceptional, I went back two kids already to start to play the toy, let them wash quickly the hand has eaten the gruel, ate when not good delicious, ate while plays, I told them to finish eating have the yogurt to drink only then a bit faster finished eating, the yogurt ate when two people ate good happily, added the real delicacy! The yogurt finished eating starts the skin, installed the yogurt in the cup the attire to sail upstream in the living room plays, the table which poured in ground is the water, I pretended to hit their appearance they only then to throw the cup the trash can go, then the human hid in the room has played, I thought that they played very happily have not come to look in played anything, will cross will have reached the dike to smile is running,(Related Articlesfunny baby bibs clothes Seven wolves the kind walk in additi), a while baby was called him in the room, reached the dike to run happily, pairs individual was also saying that this my this I, I have only then come in one to look: My day,popular kids toys, the baby the snake melon water which buys in Hong Kong only then the Kaifeng two day-long is spurting me toward the bed on! Looks like these two boys to smile such happily is plays this, but also lifts bed's on bed sheet, spurts toward the mattress on, also did not know that spurted how many! Lets me not know whether to laugh or cry really these two bad boys! Scolded them, has patted the baby all of a sudden, he only then honestly ran has played, really will have them to mess up simply together in the family!

Monday, August 16, 2010

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The kindergarten, mother have been busy at to putting on the thick cotton and kapok clothing good slightly, small good, the mouth is not idling, puts on while asks mother: Why snowed must put on the cotton-padded jacket? Mother has smiled: Snows is because the space moisture meets the cold air to turn under the snowflake to arrive at the ground, the snow must turn into the water, needs to absorb the ground the steam, like this, we will feel cold, thought that will be very uncomfortable. How can that not be cold? Only then puts on clothes, prevents on body's steam to send out, we will only then feel warm. Does not believe that you put out a hand outside the window to try. Little good mother turns on the window, lets small extend good the microcheiria to the window outside, good is slightly frozen quicklies grasp the meaning of something, hurries the hand to shrink. Mother lets small put on the glove good, extends again the hand, small good did not think that was cold. Mother said: You looked that the glove covered yours hand, the steam could not disperse,baby bibs, you did not think that was cold.

We put on the cotton-padded jacket to winter, how doesn't the cat put on clothes, the micro-organisms is not sensitive to cold?

Walks in goes to the kindergarten on the road, the small good discovery, in the thick snowy area, has a string elephant floret same mark, is specially attractive. Slightly good yelled: Mother looked quickly that the snow will also open the tweed! Mother looks carefully that tells slightly good: The treasure, this is not the flower which the snow opens, this is cat's footprint. Each kind of animal's footprint is dissimilar, cat's footprint is very attractive, looks like the plum blossom. You step on one to have a look, again with mother's comparing. Mother and small good stepped on a foot wear impression respectively, slightly good compares said: My footprint is small, mother's big. This question has solved, the small good another question has come: Mother, we puts on the cotton-padded jacket not to be cold, but cat what doesn't put on, how isn't it sensitive to cold, is the animals is not sensitive to cold? Mother said: The cat is not sensitive to cold, is because on the cat body has a thick superficial knowledge, looked like us to put on a leather clothing, therefore did not think that was cold. But, is also not all animals is not sensitive to cold. The small swallow, they are sensitive to cold likely, flew south long time ago goes. Also has the frog, snake these animals, drilled to the place under has slept, must be warm daily to the spring only then comes out, this was called the hibernation.

Is the big tree sensitive to cold, how do they cross in the winter?

There obtained the answer which from mother the animals winter, the small good small brains are also transferring. Look the new question has come, slightly good points at a roadside big tree to ask: Is mother, the big tree sensitive to cold, how are they cross in the winter, can they freeze to death? Mother said: The big tree is certainly also sensitive to cold, therefore, they can think that each means that cause themselves not to freeze to death. You looked that many tree's leaves fell up, this was the means which they winterred. Small good is not clear: Why does the leaf fall up has not been cold? Mother explained: Because winter cold dry, in the earth moisture content reduced many, the tree root can absorb the moisture content has also been short many, the bough branch must drink water, the leaf must drink water, everybody struggles this point water, the water insufficiently drinks, the tree will lose plant, the leaf fell up,kids clothing, needed the moisture content has been short, the tree could get down in the winter survival.

Why doesn't the pine and cypress need the fallen leaf to winter?

Slightly good responds quickly, points out mother's mistake immediately: Mother you said not rightly, you looked, the pine tree does not have the fallen leaf, how hasn't it lost plant? Mother the small good belt to the pine tree,fashion kids clothes, points at the pine tree leaf to let small look good: Mother what said a moment ago is the majority plants winters the method is the fallen leaf, does not refer to completely. The pine tree is an exception. You looked that what pine tree's leaf does look like? Slightly good said: Looks like the needle. Mother said: Right, the pine tree leaf needle equally is likely tall and slender, needs the moisture content must be much less than the big piece leaf, on the pine tree leaf has a waxiness membrane in addition, may avoid the moisture evaporation, therefore, its fallen leaf may also not winter. The mourning cypress is also this kind of situation, in the winter cannot the fallen leaf.

Has tree which is not sensitive to cold?

To the kindergarten, the small good question has not had quickly: Mother, the micro-organism has is not sensitive to cold, has tree which is not sensitive to cold? Mother said: Has, has some not to be sensitive to cold, but also blossoms and bears fruit in the winter, looks like the plum blossom, the leaf although has fallen in the winter out or off entirely, might also Man Shu the flower, but was attractive. Also has the narcissus flower, the camellia, is blossoms in the winter. Moreover, the chloranthus inconspicuus, the coral wooden these plants will tie the red fruit in the winter, north these fruits have become bird's grain which will remain winters.

Compassion prompt

Child's question momentarily can raise, in the adult looked that will resemble the very ordinary matter, why the child will also ask several. So long as possible, the guardian should reply immediately child's question, and lets the child experience by oneself as far as possible, deepens child's impression. If cannot reply immediately, must work as child's surface is taking down these questions earnestly, and tells as soon as possible the answer the child, shows to ask the question to the child encouragement. The reason that the child asked that is because of them in the ponder, the interest.

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Learning language, this is the language study, is the language. Gives birth soon, as soon as the parents hug the child then to speak to him, actually teaches him the language. The study mother tongue, to the common child,unique monogrammed baby gifts, is not a problem. The normal child, less than 7,8 years old, can deal with each kind of condition which using the mother tongue in the daily life meets. Except the mother tongue, the child should also study a foreign language, the familiar foreign language may expand a person's field of vision, enhances a person achievement the upper limit. The study foreign language also equally is obviously important with the study mother tongue and urgent, because the language is one kind of very strange ability,unique baby gifts make, studies early, the study effect is better. Later student, is not only laborious, moreover very difficult to learn. Also, to the childhood child, is the game, simultaneously studies many kinds of languages, will not disturb mutually. To the child, each language is the loan word.

Second, the child needs to know the living conditions, this is the environment education.

The child all can contact the human, the thing and the phenomenon, he is curious. Most early, the child achieves to the environment can distinguish suffices: This person is mother, this person is a daddy, that person is uncle, that person is aunt; This is a tabletop, this is a chair, that is a bed; This is an automobile, this is a train, that is an airplane, that is the shipThe child grows up gradually, increased to the environment understanding: Mother accompanies my time to be longest, daddy only then the evening appearsChild's curiosity expands very quickly, some child also understanding, the school and his country, he wanted to know the Earth and the universe; The child also curious past and future; In curious forest alligator and python, also curious must depend on the bacterium which and the atom the microscope can see. The child is very small in him, already felt the environment may perform to use; Has cried, adult will worry, therefore knew that will cry to be possible to bring conveniently to him; The fire is burns, best shunts by far, but controls in the stove, may cook, burns the boiling water; Rides the automobile to be possible to arrive at the park, then you do not need to walkThis is the child at first to the environment use idea.

The child are more to the environment understanding, he more wants to control and the use. This is the science invention origin. But the child to the environment observation and the understanding, is one-sided and is superficial, the thorough understanding must depending on studied may not, helped the child to have the plan, had the choice observation and the understanding living conditions, encouraged him to read, the child will enter the adult world self-confidently.

Third, the child needs to develop the imagination world, this is the creativity education.

Why does the child play the toy to hit the mechanical games all day, he does not think lonely, because he thought that the toy and the game character are his friends, it and he are the same, will be hungry, will be thirsty, will cry, will smile. The child reads the fairy tale story, either listens to adult to tell the story, he integrates in very quickly the plot,children's clothes, in story person he, either is his good friend. In some kind of degree said that the child is from the fantasy game the learning language, knows the environment, studies the personhood to work.

Why some matter adult will be thought monotonously, tasteless? Very simple, adult's childhood's fantasy world is too narrow �� he, because little listens little to read the fairy tale story, but the narrow his imagination world, after having grown up, appears the few creativities naturally, obviously, looked that the science fiction and the fairy tale story, may enrich child's fantasy world, strengthens the child creation and invention ability.

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Third party:

Hello. I am your sweetheart's first wife. Or from the tradition, I is your eldest sister, but you are my family's concubine. Perhaps will receive this letter you a little to be startled, you probably have thought I will not know your existence. Non-.
Since you have written the resignation letter to me, then before you resign, I thought that has the necessity to talk clearly some situations.
You between both of us are not always the stealth person. I have watched your picture, has listened to your story, even includes your each kind of posture. You do not believe? That good, I proved. Are you the flat feet, the tooth do roast the porcelain? Regretted really, when you decided makes three time, your all privacy will have exposed, because only then the husbands and wives are the most intimate people. But you, have not seen including mine picture?

You will ask that I asked anything will such tolerate him, yes, at this time your some necessities knew. It is not the tolerance, is I hoped that he is joyful. This you do not understand, man's sexual desire is strongest in 20-30, but the woman must after 30, I am also young, therefore does not have the too big interest to the sexual intercourse. How then this gap does surmount? After our husbands' and wives' communication, removed has used the tool self-consolation and young lady's feasibility. The decision accepts a dark concubine to him.

We selected personally in N have chosen you finally. Because your stature is young, economical, the thought is weak, only love discusses despises the marriage. All sorts of characteristics cause you to become are three optimen. Arab League, you are so ordinary, also so is actually lucky!
You thought that these move your heart the gift to be very expensive?
These jewelry do not need to me to look that these are my wholesale market careful choice bargain-priced goods.
He also wants to buy the house to you? Right, we are planned that buys the house to pay to pay, my name, you go also to loan�ecause you simply do not have the legal status, all investments are finally in vain however.

He gets you to window-shop frequently the shopping? These are the small matters. You definitely could not guess correctly that your older sister use any sign. Otherwise you cannot be so complacent.

I love the vanity? Perhaps, loves the vanity the human is concerned about face-saving at least, knew that manages own man to want the status to pledge wants the responsibility. The marriage is woman's fortress, but looks like you such three sons only to match takes love to make the fig leaf, has no complain and regret acting in a mean fashion.

The credit card I do not grasp? Yes, but I grasp his company, credit card's list every month is I also.

Yesterday was my birthday? Joke. My birthday crossed early, said that you should remember that day, is that day you have an abortion, telephones repeatedly, but nobody answering. At that time he was accompanying me and the mountain parents eats meal.

He is plays mahjong to my excuse? We initially had not elected to be wrong you. Such lie only then you can believe. Why then he always does like speaking like this, for example my vanity, at home very weak trend and so on, that are because astute he discovered that you like listening to such words. You do not love him, also does not love the nature, but he discovered that you like fantasizing has conquered another outstanding woman, even therefore achieves the pleasant sensation which is bewildered. He analyzes this possibly is because the psychology has had the inferiority, because looking from yours development process, you have not stood out!!

, This messenger you have understood your outright failure mistakenly!
Actually woman why bother feeling embarrassed woman, elder sister why feeling embarrassed younger sister? I conceal the truth originally, makes your like cotton rose narcissism, brings own mirage to go. But read your self-satisfied incoming letter, I thought that I have the responsibility to make you to be more sober on the life road. Hoped that you can understand a truth, loves you the man is not truly window-shops the shopping to buy the house, but really gives you in the law the responsibility. Now you will be injured very much, but please believe that my starting point will be good.

Now you must resign, I truly a little regretted. Accepts your this dark concubine, we spent. However considers as finished, is unworthy originally the how much money. Toward good had thought that compared to asks young lady to be free from worry cheaply truly. Therefore, takes the first wife, I thank your payout.

The words spoke of this, if you firmly believed that was three pair of you are has the future to have the development occupation, but was wants to trade an employer, my this elder sister will write the letter of recommendation to you. Because present looked, three have the market, but you have the superiority very much, you are inexpensive, economical, the youth is threatening, the behavior is open,cool kids clothing, relatively clean (with young lady compared to) is the having no intention sexual intercourse really, or is pregnant the anti-abortion first wives to comfort husband good three necessarily. I therefore positively recommend you!

Should not be impolite,cool baby bibs, the table thanked.

This is I should do.

Finally gives you again several small suggestions: 1
1. generally speaking, a woman has an abortion above 5 times, very difficult to be pregnant again. Therefore, when you will play in the future have sufficed wants to get married, but two marriage have the child to go down in the world the man are really the good candidates.

2. you must contribute money prepare future maintenance. Because of you such girl compared to respectable family woman's old quick, because your sex life is frequent, the feminine organ gets older very quickly, this decided directly you in the future quicker will change the clown compared to the contemporaries. After that time has an abortion, to the present also complexion wax yellow, the whole body is incapable?

3rd,homemade kids costumes, do not believe that the man gives your love. Your so-called love may use for to make the self-intoxicated tool, but I urge you, looks like your this letter to say equally can only be is laughed at by knowledgeable people. Any astute men will not marry you such woman. Because your youth is the short-term property, is must accelerate to amortize, but man's wallet actually along with the qualifications and records of service, the years will present as a gift adds more and more drum. All these also simultaneously need an outstanding woman's assistance. Hits for example, as soon as the man sends the wife is produces exhibition's primitive shareholder, if cooperates happily, the enterprise progresses day by day very quickly, happy may the time. If sees the color business, the brains feel dizzy, the result can only be gives up the stock leaving office drearily. But any astute man will not make such choice. But three are some stage consumables, the new band's chamberpot also has three day of fresh. The man looks three nothing but is fresh curious, your this kind of narcissism's girl will never understand this truth.

Said these many, the resignation letter authorization, wished has boundless prospects.

First wife

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The pregnant woman needs several kind of important nutrient preschool education resources

Pregnant woman's good nutrition takes in mainly refers to being pregnant period must eat to the full, eats. Eats to the full is refers to the pregnant woman to eat the enough quantity every day the staple food and the nonstaple food, must take in can satisfy the pregnant woman himself metabolism and in it the embryo grows the growth quantity of heat, eats food which is refers to takes to probably have certain quality, must include the embryo to grow each kind of nutrient which the growth must. Then, which nutrients are human body metabolism, particularly the embryo grows essentially? Mainly has the following several kinds:

(1) protein

The protein is the structure and the repair organization's primary data. The embryo needs the protein to compose bodily various internal organs; Grows the growth to need the protein fast, specially cerebrum's growth cannot leave each kind of high quality protein; The parent substance maintains the womb in gestational also need more protein, the placenta, organization's and so on breast and blood a series of physiological change needs. Except in addition, each gram protein mass energy has 4000 card quantity of heats, supplements the pregnant woman and when embryo metabolism energy need. Therefore, if the protein amount of radiation is insufficient, not only hinders the embryo to grow (is specially cerebrum's growth), will also cause parent substance's metabolic anomalies, but will have each kind of disease. If anemia, infection, post-natal milk secretion bad and so on.

Then, in which foods includes the rich protein? In our daily life the edible thin pork, the fish, the milk, the ji egg, foods and so on cheese contains the animal protein richly; But the soybean, the shelled peanut, in each kind of bean product contains the albumen richly. The pregnant woman entire gestation period should eat these foods much, takes in every day the protein should many in 80 grams,baby boutique, moreover advocate animal protein and albumen mix edible, like this may enhance the protein the nutritional value.

(2) iron

The iron is participates in hematopoietic the important material. The woman gestation period increases obviously to the hard required quantity. If the hard amount of radiation is insufficient, will create lacks the iron anemia.

In the ordinary circumstances, pregnant woman's hemoglobin is lower than 10 grams, the red blood cell is short in 3,500,000/cubic millimeters namely for the pregnant woman anemia. In food hard nutritional value and absorption rate related, but in the animalistic food's iron's is absorbed easily compared to vegetative food in iron by the human. If in the animal meat and the liver the hard absorption rate is 22%, the fish is 11%, but in the ji egg-yolk's iron and the phosphorus, the protein absorption rate is only 3%, the soybean is 7%, rice only then 1%., therefore, the edible liver, the meats, the shrimp, the crab, foods and so on legumes are frequently the prevention lack the iron anemia's good method. If ferri rich food and protein and Vitamin ratio. Absorbs together, the hard absorption will be better.

(3) zinc

The zinc is in the human body metabolism process one kind of important element, it participates in the human body protein, the nucleic acid and many kinds of important enzyme syntheses, can irritation cell's fission,kids costumes, be promotes the organization to grow, helps the wound tissue repair and the advantageous intelligence growth important material. In human body's zinc main storing in skeleton. The zinc does not look like calcium such, the embryo does not have ability momentarily to mobilize the parent substance skeleton's in zinc to absorb, pregnancy period, once the zinc amount of radiation is insufficient, in the parent substance skeleton the zinc content does not drop,baby gifts baskets, but in the embryo blood plasma the zinc density will drop rapidly.

Stipulated according to the World Health Organization that below 1 year old the baby needs the zinc 3~5 milligrams every day; 1~10 year-old child required quantity is 5~10 milligrams; The young female is 7~15 milligrams; Grown-up artificial 12~16 milligrams. The pregnant woman, the wet-nurse to the zinc required quantity is adult's two times. If the pregnant woman lacks the zinc, has the possibility to cause the face nervous system to be abnormal, germ cells hypoplasia, Linde sickness and intelligence growth barrier and so on sickness. Preschool education network

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The diet nutrition comprehensive is also balanced,armani kids clothing, then you did not need extra to eat up again for yourself. Must believe between you and the baby the unique mind reading,toddler toys, after increasing the number of times which nurses to the baby, so long as 1~2 days, your milk's secretion massively will grow,discount baby gear, the noisy famine's baby might eat well satisfied.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

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    after 1984, is born the male student most gives up for his clothes spends. The other day,baby girls dresses, Chinese nation commercial message center Director Wang Yao announced a statistical result at the masculine expense tendency forum, after 80 brand clothings 100 to 200 square meters might sell in the market average 20,000,000, but above 25 years old crowd,gag gifts for kids, regardless of the men's clothing, the female attire, sold well has more than 1000 ten thousand.

    Wang Yao disclosed at the forum that below these 25 years old the young male pays attention popularly, the pursue kind,infant baby clothes, hopes in addition by others attention. They pursue the design, but will not pay great attention the brand desirably.  

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on November 28, 2009,urban baby clothes, an epoch-making product US GoldenArrow net tours the accelerator card the release conference to issue at the Shanghai Pudong holiday hotel stir. Issue product GoldenArrow009 uses the American Bigfoot technology, tours the accelerator card as the global first model of net, will certainly for ours video and music entertainment, electronic athletics and the network game founds new times.

Release conference entrance playbill

At the release conference,caterpillar kids toys, American GoldenArrow Asian area Chief Sales Officer Harvey as well as Chinese representative Guangzhou principle only science and technology Limited company Chairman Lin Boliang attended this product release conference, the Chinese area market operation Shanghai plain science and technology limited company Chief Marketing Officer party introduced wonderfully next year's Chinese market plan, principle only marketing Manager Li Zhang winsomely exhaustively introduced to the product, let attend release conference's each on the scene to get shock to the GoldenArrow product formidable function.

The product image promotes Ambassador xiaOt,preemie baby dolls, Sky

Release conference scene

At the same time, the domestic electricity competes the first person of famous occupation game to play family world WCG double crown king Li Xiaofeng Sky as well as to tour the theatrical circles legend character famous occupation game to play family Sun Li great xiaOt to promote ambassador by the product image to attend the release conference, after undergoing a month-long test, two occupation game person discussed the intimate understanding, Sky and xiaOt thought that GoldenArrow009 improved the domestic contestant to jump greatly the screen to the wartime and the time delay phenomenon, let them on online compete has a better display.

Media interview principle science and technology Limited company Chairman Lin Bo is only good, GoldenArrow Asian area Chief Sales Officer Harvey

We anticipated that the GoldenArrow product official going on the market, greets the Chinese game new times the arrival.

Next page: The GoldenArrow net tours the accelerator card function synopsis

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"Heroic Alliance" (i.e. LOL) is one section athletics network which makes carefully by the DotA former staff tours, for played the family to unfold a brand-new hero to fight the world. After the national mourning technology test had ended, "Heroic Alliance" brand-new design, unique, the skill perfect hero has made the profound impression for everybody.

Recently, the official net manufactured group of brand-new heroes to be original, the exquisite picture labor, the singularly varied style, presents 4 extremely rich individuality hero for everybody, the look fills the lethality the god of death eyethe series.

Sinister deceitful god of death eye devil comedian clown - Sa branch

The devil comedian clown fearful does not lie in his attack injury, but lies in him to glitter suddenly in front of you, as soon as the unexpected god of death strikes for you. From the Sa branch original, we did not look that his that like devil same murder skill, can actually see he that sinister deceitful look, the strange smiling face jumps the funny dance to entice you to sit under his stage, waited for that he harvests your number of people.

Mummy of - Arab League wood confused god of death eye war casualty

The Arab League wooden look is forever grievous, he confusedly in own life experience,blank baby bibs, sadly in own lonely. In the desert,toddler toys, can always see Arab League wooden sits sadly in there, is keeping the lonely tear. But do not despise this melancholy look and the sad tear, they were the young girl murderer's magic weapon, MM see could the sympathy be in flood.

Angry god of death eye lava big game - ink Fitter

The Mexican Fitter's anger lies in the people to his battle efficiency despising. His that is full of the fight desire the look to tell us,toddler little girls clothes, him longed for that the fight the victory, longed for the people commended as soon as he that formidable stature, the extremely arrogant posture probably wants to grasp grinds all enemies.

Despises the god of death eye to wear armor dragon turtle - Ramos

Ramos thought that he has escaped plague forest and puts on a body terrible helmet and armor to be possible to despise the world. You may not think that in the sprint wears armor Long Gui is snatching sprints hundred meter champion titles. Must know, but he in sprints you, the preparation robs your on number of people.

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We also equally play the heroic alliance in Riot with you, therefore we understood these, because certain does not follow the game rule but the human very discontented plays family's mood. When you register, you affirmed that the hope hits makes your mood happy high grade game, but is not to shakes the fist to pound annoyedly to the monitor.

Therefore, said earnestly,baby accessories, some people really should start 鈥渟aved own monitorthe motion, told you the friends.

We very much have taken you to report the information, and we will take the corresponding measure to reduce these disgusting misdeeds. In the past week, in view of the fact that these destruction game's misdeed. We already sealed stop several hundred to play family's account number, and we will continue will maintain regarding this pay attention highly, certainly we also need to play families' close coordination to be able to help us to purify the game environment.

Before playing the family makes seals stops or the warning prompt, we regarding any reported to the authorities that the information can carry on the thorough investigation,girls coats, only then these extremely bad behavior will only then receive the thorough deletion account number the penalty. If you thought that our decision contains errors, asks you to give us to answer by all means must, so that we as soon as possible can solve the problem.

Finally must remind plays the families,baby dolls toys kids, please by all means must observe the game rule, in order to avoid rudes awakening at the appointed time! If you saw in the game some illegal behaviors, please continue to use us to report the tool! Only then we together joint effort, can let our competition be more splendid, intense, simultaneously will not look that who to assume the post to your mother's regards.

We also equally play the heroic alliance in Riot with you, therefore we understood these, because certain does not follow the game rule but the human very discontented plays family's mood. When you register, you affirmed that the hope hits makes your mood happy high grade game, but is not to shakes the fist to pound annoyedly to the monitor.

Therefore, said earnestly, some people really should start 鈥渟aved own monitorthe motion, told you the friends.

We very much have taken you to report the information, and we will take the corresponding measure to reduce these disgusting misdeeds. In the past week, in view of the fact that these destruction game's misdeed. We already sealed stop several hundred to play family's account number, and we will continue will maintain regarding this pay attention highly, certainly we also need to play families' close coordination to be able to help us to purify the game environment.

Before playing the family makes seals stops or the warning prompt, we regarding any reported to the authorities that the information can carry on the thorough investigation, only then these extremely bad behavior will only then receive the thorough deletion account number the penalty. If you thought that our decision contains errors, asks you to give us to answer by all means must, so that we as soon as possible can solve the problem.

Finally must remind plays the families, please by all means must observe the game rule, in order to avoid rudes awakening at the appointed time! If you saw in the game some illegal behaviors, please continue to use us to report the tool! Only then we together joint effort, can let our competition be more splendid, intense, simultaneously will not look that who to assume the post to your mother's regards.

kids costumes The Wenzhou women's shoes start to rise the brand construction just the right time

    , The Wenzhou women's shoes' development has received in recent years pays attention, from be hard toes start, survives the condition in the crevice to a present school of prosperity, the development momentum highly regarded prospect, Wenzhou women's shoes' rising is paid attention by more and more people and the expectation. Although was still unable with the male shoes to keep pace with, but also starts gradually to reveal the clue.

    Just started enterprise: Does thin is the correct path practically

    Walks in Wenzhou's main street and small alley, the shoes wholesale market, the Guangdong women's shoes seizes the greatly phenomenon half to start to transform gradually, the Wenzhou women's shoes' increases unceasingly in local market share, even looks at Tao Baowang in the lake the shop, is not difficult to discover the massive Wenzhou Women's shoes Store. Although these women's shoes brand popularity is not high, but the quality and the sales volume are actually good. These women's shoes enterprise size is not big,kids costumes, but actually emphasizes the product the quality. Pays great attention in the production by the practical spirit each detail, emphasizes by the product quality win. Looks like, does not ask the quantity which the Wenzhou red hat women's shoes Limited company emphasized but to ask the nature, accumulates the brand in the intravenous drip the prestige, thus enhances enterprise's development progress unceasingly.

    The development begins to take shape enterprise: Brand construction just the right time

    Wenzhou Women's shoes Enterprise's brand road, although late Yu Nanxie enterprise, but actually greatly has the trying to catch up tendency. Starts from 2006, many women's shoes enterprises start to strengthen the enterprise to create the sign idea, builds the market marketing network positively, and asks the vivid spokesman to enhance enterprise's popularity. After the macrostomia shoe industry invites Jiang speaks on another's behalf attentively, Zhang Baizhi, Chen is good, Li Bing ices, Fan Bingbing, Huang Sheng depends on, plum Ting, Jia Jingwen and so on a group of female star, joins in abundance to the Wenzhou Women's shoes Enterprise. Although invited the vivid spokesman the behavior still quite to receive questioned,girls clothes, but it was actually not allow to neglect in the brand propaganda's function. Recently, the Wenzhou tailor-bird Limited company had replaced an original popularity female model, changes asks fame bigger dragonet female Li Retong to speak on another's behalf, its General Manager Liu Xiaobiao indicated that asks Li Retong to speak on another's behalf intends to further promotes tailor-bird's brand popularity, thus expands the market influence.

    Started the brand operation enterprise: The talented person develops cannot lack

    At present, Wenzhou had one batch of development to become the certain scale, and has certain popularity women's shoes enterprise in the expense community, like nature shoe industry, great date shoe industry, Wenzhou Zhuo Daini shoe industry and so on. Women's shoes' superiority lies in the cost to be lower than the male shoes, but the quality is not actually inferior, however the consumer to the Wenzhou women's shoes impression thought generally was the design is not very novel, compares Shenzhen, Guangzhou's shoes funds fashionable feeling is insufficient. Although in the last few years in shoes' design high and low many times, but still had the disparity. Therefore, these started the brand operation enterprise to pay great attention talented person's introduction and training. Through talented people and so on employment advertise outstanding designer, improve shoes' quality unceasingly,knit baby socks, thus follows up a victory with hot pursuit, seizes the market share. The trust through system's talented person management, the Wenzhou women's shoes' prospects for development can be brighter.

Monday, August 9, 2010

kids clothing Fur Season 2009 fall winter fashionable furs comprehensive work

    How regardless of the animal protection organization and the environmental protection person did oppose, the furs was still on each last month of autumn winter extension stage is sending out the ray material quality, does not need it the designer certainly to have, but in them the majority cannot leave it. The next to the skin characteristic causes young, walks the street corner route's girls also to be able to participate in this furs unrest, but classical style still in necessary name list. How to match them not to be only then excessive? What kind of furs list is worth purchasing truly? But which can't move easily? Imitates the furs to be able to put on US?

    Most stylish design

    Now speaks of the furs, but also what has to be more popular than the vest design? Regardless of being open-fronted sweater or knitted shirt model or Prada this year the arbitrage design furs vest coat, enabled the human who many pasts did not bump the furs to become the furs amateur, but originally these fear fur attire too mature girls, then discovered that each kind of material quality the woolen sweater-vest definitely might use for along with the nature to put on the street corner. Has the hair silk effect furs coat is also this quarter is popular, on several season's rock and roll unrest build the foundation popularly for this kind of furs coat, but this season recommends 3.1 Phillip Lim this kind of yellowish brown color to select and purchase, the black somewhat is sad, only if wears the massive shining jewelry achievement to decorate. These two kind of fashionable designs have the next to the skin characteristic, but is not passes likely pursues magnificent extravagant Huafeng constantly, therefore is young, walks the street corner route's girls also to be able to participate in this furs unrest.

    Most difficult to put on

    An entire item grows hair the furs coat not to suggest the purchase, most typical is easy to produce the visual inflation feeling long fox wool, only if you have above 175cm also to be much thinner, will otherwise appear very towering in the real life. I once saw in the Department store a height meter six about girl has tried on Maison Martin Margiela the raccoon wool white furs upper garment, because the raccoon wool's quality of material is harder than other common furses, the length is also close with the fox wool, therefore the entire item clothes appear excessively thick, a shell resembles likely the wrap on the girl body, the lower part two chopsticks' thin legs appears is very uncoordinated. The color aspect, the white and colored must avoid, these color's fox wool coat do not bump nearly easily, white besides yours outline enlargement, also handles very with difficulty. But the colored furs will be incautiously will put on frivolously, the travel fatigue will feel.

    In sable wool long coat being possible be called classics, will not take one of obsolete coats, although the long funds' furs coat will not have what tendency to be possible saying that actually will suit any situation and any age. The Oscar de laRenta nigger-brown thin sable wool coat is this kind of coat's representative, from the color to the quality of material as well as the length, is the enough ideal model. Most universal puts on the law is matches silk Lian Shenqun in inside, or the shirt + half skirt, the pursue feels at will some, then may use the narrow leg trousers matching frivolous coat, then puts on the magnificent sable wool coat. Livelier stylish somewhat is this quarter Bottega the Veneta lilac plush effect furs coat, this kind of coat has a characteristic - seven point sleeve, this kind of design can cause the coat to look like not that chock full, reduces the extremely fat feeling, causes to put on the author to move conveniently,kids clothing, is also naturally more graceful.

    Has the furs scarf windproof coat, the coat is also the design which takes the easy way, is not only magnificent, and the price must compared to the entire item furs cheap many, therefore is the performance-to-price ratio high purchase option. Many designers thought that the furs spelled pastes or borders compared to an entire item comes the richer design feeling, Derek a Lam bi-color two-row to take away on the coat to paste on a generous fox wool collar, entire modelling instantaneous more three-dimensional, good put on a lot compared to an entire item fox wool coat. The Dior this quarter's partial coats have added a border the thick black fox wool in the skirt-width and the sleeve cuff place, although the furs part are not many, but had still filled the Dior symbolic luxurious feeling.

    Easiest to match

    The furs vest is lucky has certainly its truth, its length, the quality of material and the color are in the furs are easiest the element which is accepted by the young people. You may use it to play the stack-up, hits the color as well as various idioplasms place mixes builds. Moreover, although is most recent several season Prada procedure, but the present everybody knows ties the waistband outside the vest to put on the law is very practical, can cause the human immediately to put on the modelling to feel. The furs small coat is very certainly also good puts on, the young girls feared that puts on the furs to be extremely self-important, may purchase tinted the shortfall circle to get the furs coat,big kids toys, the fashionable key is sleeve cuff's length, looks like the Fendi this kind of seven point sleeve design to cause to give people a hard time looks like is lither. Certainly, if can reveal the skill department skin to be most attractive. In addition, many people have neglected the furs half skirt, in fact it is not only attractive, has the sense of reality, also maintains warmth.

    As usually the high-sounding talk material quality, used for to make the deep color half skirt instead many to the low key, Prada matches each kind of boots with this kind of skirt, is also fashionably coordinated.

    Matches plays the part of Shan Pin who the aspect is easiest to match definitely is the fox wool big scarf, sees? Michael Kors causes a light tan vest with a thick brown fox wool scarf to produce the extremely rich Hollywood feeling results. Besides the brown, the black is also one which of colors extremely good builds, certainly except has the luxurious feeling, can also more old mannish somewhat. Livelier must be Miu Miu this quarter inlays puts together the furs decoration, appears is very optional in the partial furs,infant baby clothes, also a more suitable age to have fallen in love with the furs girl gently.

designer kids clothing [abundant article]Misery angrily rebukes Manager Blight to seek goes to the E

Before joining Blight is us, really the huge mistake, has believed Blackfog (boss BlightGaming) these not depending on spectrum words, but also has that to write very not the professional behavior. I only am want to tell everybody inside mine this blog, Blackfog cheats us to play time and time again under his company name, moreover facing our troop's interrogation lying time and time again.
We first time receive BlightGaming the news are before going to China to participate in Alienware. They after the Kingsurf scandal also has the fnatic event has contacted with us. Blackfog starts through troop manager Mirc and we starts to exchange. After understanding we thought that also has Manager Blight other with him to discuss cooperation matter.
At that time they promised that can pay us to possess in China's expenses,designer kids clothing, after as well as, goes to SMM80% expenses.
Because we at that time fnatic served under somebody's banner the troop, they requests our each person to pay 250 ohms expenses to leave fnatic. to be situated between Blight the condition to be very attractive, we decided that pays this expense first, therefore we might join Blight. afterward Blackfog continuously in ours personal channel, will then tell us certainly to attain this money. The time was getting more and more close big game then, we started to question he said words,baby gear Wholesale, but he will look for the opportunity to avoid the conversation frequently to be equivocal. Is competing the first 1 month, he said that he can only compete previous 2 weeks to prepare 4000-5000 US dollars, but this expense even regarding Alienware or SMM any item insufficient. But we have accepted at that time this condition, because he can pay our airplane ticket at least. Afterward two week he has vanished directly, then the final time requests us to attend a very important on-line conference. He said that he that 4000 insipid perhaps arranges,kids clothing, only could give us 1000. us to say together many, and decided that we paid the journey expense, because we really wanted to go to China to look. We accept his parsimonious investment for the time being, the plan have used these 1000 dollar achievement board and lodging expense. But finally, our 1000 dollars have not attained.
More than one months ago, he once more has contacted with us, and apologizes with us, but shirked the responsibility on his sponsor body. He stated him definitely to be possible now very good management Blight, moreover the hope supported us to go to ESWC also to have SMM. me to think that I will have the opportunity to write a same story to tell everybody again him the scandal, 1000 dollars which because before he supported us that reaches an agreement to throw away carelessly. He even sent Paypal to us to pay 1000 dollar truncation charts, but was in the account which sent to us not to know. This is only he wants to let us again one small trick which competes under his name. Really difficult to imagine us at that time to be able to believe once more his nonsense, at that time had no way out we! Really unfortunate, we had initially believed human nature this friendly truth, but his actually non-friendly kind.
Now I very relaxed tell everybody, we were not again a Blight part. As a result of this interlude, we completely did not have the sponsor now, if anybody wanted to help us, and paid our journey expense even to support our troop please to contact with us manager,
PS: We used the bonus which our F4F earned to buy the airplane ticket! No matter therefore how we certainly will go to ESWC!