Thursday, August 5, 2010

baby doll In Ash single each idea

,baby doll

Just fired off a competition, what I play is peaceful Niweiya, after starting the game, I had politeness to say in very much the sentence the list, but with Ash's teammate to me said that he wanted to hit the list, we exited from the middle of the mill, she saw me not to allow to pass through,kids shoes, took to one's heels directly toward the opposite base runs, afterward on infinite delivered, finally we have lost very obviously this game.

What does my very curious everybody play the game to think,(Related Articleskids toys Spring eats three kind of long foods), does Ash have the privilege to go to the list?

This was just saw in the official net played family's speech, looks that transferred interesting for everybody looks for a pleasure. Did not know that who that Ash is, hoped that is not some China plays the family--, thinks in dota, this actually very common, for the list, his second has not drawn back, or delivers,baby socks, worsens the competition intentionally, what is really does not have any significance, therefore everybody must promote own game quality, must have consciousness which the team cooperates, do not too 2!

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