Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Zhejiang University of Science and Technology material and textile institute Makes the outstanding

    Some time ago, at the year teacher commendation congress which the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology material and the textile institute held, young Mr./Mrs. Guo Yuhai won Hua Dingjiang to teach the gold; At the beginning of the year's national science and technology reward congress, leads scientific and technical payoffs which by him completes to obtain in 2009 the country technical invention second prize.

    How to train the young teacher, has been our key work. Institute general party branch secretary, vice-president Zhou Wenlong professor told the reporters, in creates struggles in the first superior activity, the institute carries out the young teacher tutorial system vigorously, delegates above associate professor for each young teacher the title senior teacher to take teacher, leads them to attend class, gets down the enterprise, is responsible to instruct the teaching and the scientific research; Meanwhile through sets up the outstanding young teacher to raise the fund, creates the good scientific effort condition positively for the young teacher. In addition, the institute also founds the youth academic forum, encourages the academic exchanges, and supports the outstanding young teacher to continue to take advanced courses.

    Under various raise vigorously, the material spins at present institute's young teachers, some 1 person already was the province middle aged leader, 3 people were selected the province Qianjiang talented people to plan the project subsidization candidate, two people were selected the province new century 151 talented person projects, two people won the province youth science and technology prize, 9 people obtained the State Natural Sciences Foundation youth fund subsidization.

    In last year's international finance crisis, the teachers and administration staff party member by the province science and technology special representative, the technical instruction panel member, stayed at a selected place in abundance presents one's credentials forms and so on technical political instructor, rushed toward Hangzhou on own initiative, Jiaxing, Huzhou, places such as Jinhua, explained the technical difficult problem for the textile chemical fiber enterprise, helped enterprise reforming to promote, Guang Shou welcome. The Zhou Wenlong said that the institute even more will pay this year great attention specialized pointed, establishes the persistent effect service mechanism, serves the provincial economy construction.

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