Monday, August 23, 2010

kids toys Kindergarten class for six and seven year olds scientific culture Let the children bold at

Kindergarten class for six and seven year olds scientific culture: Let the children bold attempt,kids toys, develops self-preschool education resources also remembers when the belt kindergarten class for six and seven year olds on science to move one, only then discovered that what oneself leaves the child really to explore the annual ring the time was too few, lacks science activity which the baby explored independently, essentially was the defeat.

The children are curious, they are glad oneself to explore, oneself discovered that a small leaf, small toy Che Duneng causes baby's inquisition desire, in losing, only felt that baby's shouting is one kind disturbs, does not observe the discipline, perhaps the teacher had not felt in the baby eye has not completed the exploration the regret. But the teacher is only continues downward to narrate eagerly, has asked to achieve the teaching goal and the procedure, but had not thought that the baby has harvested how many.

Many educationalists, the psychologists believed that pedology science's process obtains the scientific content and the fact is more important than, the child discovered that the thing knew their truth is more important. This indicates the baby in the activity the independent exploration process importance. In the scientific teaching activity, we should provide the baby to explore the research independently the time and the space, but the baby will attempt with the different way experiences, discovered that will record with own way, with the little friend exchange, in the discussion will comb own mentality again,knit baby socks, defined discovered between the thing relations,(Related Articleskids clothes How rewiring xp does the system, teach you with), will act according to own record in the exchange to explain: How does he is do, why has such result, when the opinion refutes with other people must argue with the human, because had own personal experience, the children are glad, dare to express, finally in one time carries on the exploration, draws the correct conclusion. Each children can express itself to make in boldly the experiment process the discovery and the different view. In addition, somewhat tests the baby to be able to complete independently, but tests needs the companion to cooperate, group discussion, exploration. For example, in the magnet activity, after the children practices, speaks in abundance: The magnet can hold anything, cannot hold anything. Subsequently, teacher guides the baby: Why can some things hold by the magnet, what similarity do they have? After the baby groups the cooperation experiment, constructed the magnet to be able on own initiative to hold hard or the hard product this knowledge system, and discovered that the cooperation might cause the matter to do well, thus stimulated the baby to be glad to the cooperation the desire. Teacher in is only appears by guide's status, the child is the exploration main body,baby gear, the children the knowledge which obtains through own exploration, speaks reliable many which directly compared to teacher grasps.

The independent inquisition, the development, the time which and the space inquired into independently for the child, lets the children bold attempt, discovered that science interest, marvelous, stimulates their inquisition enthusiasm, lets them be good at observing since childhood, discovered that in the science inquired into that develops.

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