Monday, August 16, 2010

baby bibs Do not neglect child's silly question

The kindergarten, mother have been busy at to putting on the thick cotton and kapok clothing good slightly, small good, the mouth is not idling, puts on while asks mother: Why snowed must put on the cotton-padded jacket? Mother has smiled: Snows is because the space moisture meets the cold air to turn under the snowflake to arrive at the ground, the snow must turn into the water, needs to absorb the ground the steam, like this, we will feel cold, thought that will be very uncomfortable. How can that not be cold? Only then puts on clothes, prevents on body's steam to send out, we will only then feel warm. Does not believe that you put out a hand outside the window to try. Little good mother turns on the window, lets small extend good the microcheiria to the window outside, good is slightly frozen quicklies grasp the meaning of something, hurries the hand to shrink. Mother lets small put on the glove good, extends again the hand, small good did not think that was cold. Mother said: You looked that the glove covered yours hand, the steam could not disperse,baby bibs, you did not think that was cold.

We put on the cotton-padded jacket to winter, how doesn't the cat put on clothes, the micro-organisms is not sensitive to cold?

Walks in goes to the kindergarten on the road, the small good discovery, in the thick snowy area, has a string elephant floret same mark, is specially attractive. Slightly good yelled: Mother looked quickly that the snow will also open the tweed! Mother looks carefully that tells slightly good: The treasure, this is not the flower which the snow opens, this is cat's footprint. Each kind of animal's footprint is dissimilar, cat's footprint is very attractive, looks like the plum blossom. You step on one to have a look, again with mother's comparing. Mother and small good stepped on a foot wear impression respectively, slightly good compares said: My footprint is small, mother's big. This question has solved, the small good another question has come: Mother, we puts on the cotton-padded jacket not to be cold, but cat what doesn't put on, how isn't it sensitive to cold, is the animals is not sensitive to cold? Mother said: The cat is not sensitive to cold, is because on the cat body has a thick superficial knowledge, looked like us to put on a leather clothing, therefore did not think that was cold. But, is also not all animals is not sensitive to cold. The small swallow, they are sensitive to cold likely, flew south long time ago goes. Also has the frog, snake these animals, drilled to the place under has slept, must be warm daily to the spring only then comes out, this was called the hibernation.

Is the big tree sensitive to cold, how do they cross in the winter?

There obtained the answer which from mother the animals winter, the small good small brains are also transferring. Look the new question has come, slightly good points at a roadside big tree to ask: Is mother, the big tree sensitive to cold, how are they cross in the winter, can they freeze to death? Mother said: The big tree is certainly also sensitive to cold, therefore, they can think that each means that cause themselves not to freeze to death. You looked that many tree's leaves fell up, this was the means which they winterred. Small good is not clear: Why does the leaf fall up has not been cold? Mother explained: Because winter cold dry, in the earth moisture content reduced many, the tree root can absorb the moisture content has also been short many, the bough branch must drink water, the leaf must drink water, everybody struggles this point water, the water insufficiently drinks, the tree will lose plant, the leaf fell up,kids clothing, needed the moisture content has been short, the tree could get down in the winter survival.

Why doesn't the pine and cypress need the fallen leaf to winter?

Slightly good responds quickly, points out mother's mistake immediately: Mother you said not rightly, you looked, the pine tree does not have the fallen leaf, how hasn't it lost plant? Mother the small good belt to the pine tree,fashion kids clothes, points at the pine tree leaf to let small look good: Mother what said a moment ago is the majority plants winters the method is the fallen leaf, does not refer to completely. The pine tree is an exception. You looked that what pine tree's leaf does look like? Slightly good said: Looks like the needle. Mother said: Right, the pine tree leaf needle equally is likely tall and slender, needs the moisture content must be much less than the big piece leaf, on the pine tree leaf has a waxiness membrane in addition, may avoid the moisture evaporation, therefore, its fallen leaf may also not winter. The mourning cypress is also this kind of situation, in the winter cannot the fallen leaf.

Has tree which is not sensitive to cold?

To the kindergarten, the small good question has not had quickly: Mother, the micro-organism has is not sensitive to cold, has tree which is not sensitive to cold? Mother said: Has, has some not to be sensitive to cold, but also blossoms and bears fruit in the winter, looks like the plum blossom, the leaf although has fallen in the winter out or off entirely, might also Man Shu the flower, but was attractive. Also has the narcissus flower, the camellia, is blossoms in the winter. Moreover, the chloranthus inconspicuus, the coral wooden these plants will tie the red fruit in the winter, north these fruits have become bird's grain which will remain winters.

Compassion prompt

Child's question momentarily can raise, in the adult looked that will resemble the very ordinary matter, why the child will also ask several. So long as possible, the guardian should reply immediately child's question, and lets the child experience by oneself as far as possible, deepens child's impression. If cannot reply immediately, must work as child's surface is taking down these questions earnestly, and tells as soon as possible the answer the child, shows to ask the question to the child encouragement. The reason that the child asked that is because of them in the ponder, the interest.

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