Monday, August 23, 2010

new born baby accessories The elementary student took poison to die the last words saying that is co

After the Shuangliao 13 year old of elementary school female students are on vacation from school, took medicine dies

The guardian shows child's seven character last words is teacher she compels me!

Had the student and the guardian said: Teacher in charge teacher criticized should live, but also has punished by forcing to stand two classes, should fresh cry two classes

School authorities: This matter school and teacher do not have the responsibility

Teacher in charge: Besides the normal education, does not have any extreme behavior

It is reported that on May 19, after the Jilin Province Shuangliao city clothing town 51 village elementary school 6 grade 13 year-old girls Chen Yanan is on vacation from school in the afternoon first goes home, under the clothing the agricultural chemicals, dies invalid after the rescue in that evening. After the corpse cremates, the guardian on the daughter diary had discovered two pages of posthumous writings, involve teacher, in posthumous writings is teacher she compels me! Seven characters. Takes medicine the suicide case in view of this student, after the Shuangliao municipal public security bureau investigates, said that firmly is the suicide, after Shuangliao city Bureau of Education investigates, recognizes the school and teacher, in the student dies in the event not to have the responsibility .27 dates, reporter found that this school therefore event already suspended classes for two days, and has the student and the guardian confirmed that teacher has criticized Chen Yanan truly, but also has punished by forcing to stand two classes, Chen Yanan has cried two classes. Bureau of Education said that did not know has related new situation which seven character's posthumous writings and reporter investigate, will continue to this matter to investigate.

Commits suicide the girl last words

Family member: After being on vacation from school, drinks the agricultural chemicals suicide

on 27th the afternoon, reporter arrives at the Shuangliao city clothing nearby the town 51 villages and small towns to store Chen Yanan the first family, saw Chen Yanan 20 relatives in her family, the whole family still occupied in the brokenhearted. Grandpa Chen Yanan kneels in ground, paternal grandmother embraces the granddaughter is carrying daily before death the book bag to cry to retrieve the granddaughter,(Related Articlesbaby doll dress The child making mistakes parents do not wan), mother sits in ground cries to rip the heart check lung, several family member upwards support by the arm cannot support by the arm, the relatives are also each are bursting into tears. According to Grandma Chen Yanan says, the big granddaughter Asia cedar the town 51 elementary schools reads the sixth-grade level first in the Shuangliao city clothing, on 19th past 5:00 pm, the Asian cedar is on vacation from school goes home, her outhouse is digging up the green onion, as soon as gains ground sees the child to carry book bag passing through the gate, said that the big granddaughter came back. The Asian cedar with the nose to her humph one, looks very withers, probably the heart is not suitable. Several minutes later, the Asian cedar tells paternal grandmother to telephone, rushes to the telephone to walk, after the dial, opposite party nobody meets, Chen Yanan cried to say the sentence old paternal aunt ......Latter runs back oneself room, she with the past discovered afterward the big granddaughter sudden upper body lies prone on the bed, the lower part of the body is digging, both hands counter-back in behind. Paternal grandmother shouts the daughter-in-law busily, comes quickly, the child pulled out! As soon as two people careful looked that child's control is the pink color, after holding sits up, was discovering that the child corners of the mouth have the powder, in the nose toward leave choke the powder, as soon as looked again nearby in bed's plastic cup the base has the pink color liquid. The daughter-in-law said that the child drank the medicine probably, the outhouse was putting the few half bottle of corn planted the clothes medicinal preparation high poisonous agricultural chemicals not to have. Saw that the child life is critically ill, the family member telephones to shout the child her father, because of the journey mud, child her father drives the four wheeler to deliver the child to 51 village oil anode circuits, also hits Che Dao the clothing the first town center public health center. Past 6:00 pm, although rescues with all one's strength after doctor, also has not been able to save child's life.

Posthumous writings: Is teacher she compels me!

Midnight, child's corpse is delivered the same day the Shuangliao city funeral parlor .20 dates, the family member looks Shuangliao city Bureau of Education to request to send for to investigate this matter .21 dates, examines after medical examiner, the child body surface does not have the flesh wound .22 dates, the corpse in the local funeral parlor cremation, the bone ash to scatter by the family member under Liaoning Province Changtu County three Jiangkou bridges in the river.

According to Chen Yanan daddy says, daughter honest sincere, but usually speaks chats a spot not to be introverted, the study and makes the stubborn disposition which the matter has does not concede.

Commits suicide the girl before death the picture

Chen Yanan daddy said that he has two children, big daughter Chen Yanan 13 years old, a youngest daughter 5 year old of .22 date past 4:00 pm, he goes home after the funeral parlor, in the daughter book bag's new diary discovered that page of posthumous writings, on write are teacher she compel me! Seven characters. Tightens is torn up by this page of diary page. Afterward grandfather in a granddaughter room water jar discovered that the water surface is floating that page of diary paper which tears down, on writes father and mother, when you see my time, I on the road, I actually already had already wanted to leave, I do not only have this courage, I did not know that teacher is staring why always at me, always cannot have a liking for me to resemble, whenever she said my time, I always thought that does not have the face specially, finally, I could not endure patiently! This diary together with seven character posthumous writings diary papers by police after the postmortem examination took the related evidence material to take away.

Why Chen Yanan can leave behind two such posthumous writings? The family member said that this last words showed sufficiently, child's death and criticizes her teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang related, this waits for the Department concerned further verifies to the school authorities. In the interview Aunt Chen Yanan lies down on the kang, the vision delay, a few words had not said.

The family member indicated that has these two pages of posthumous writings and so on related material to take the evidence, through the legal proceeding, teacher in charge teacher who and will be concerned to the school for the child who died will ask for a view.

The family member cries to make a group

Chen Yanan Aunt Chen Xiaona said that after the niece died, she once went to the Shuangliao city clothing the first town center school, saw in the school gate mouth this school Principal Sun Zhong the kernel, 51 village elementary school Principal Wang Fuchang and village cell secretary the willow tree luck, she asks two principals, if you said that this matter and the school have not related me to walk. Principal Sun said how can not relate. Afterward three people arrive at the public health center. At that time the family member requested Principal Wang to contact with the child teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia, queried the child to have any matter in the school, possibly was feared that the family member mood was excited, both sides had the conflict, Mr./Mrs. Wang have not gone to the hospital. Until now the family member has not seen Mr./Mrs. Wang. It is known that Wang Yinxia is 30 about year-old female teacher.


Teacher punishes by forcing to stand to Chen Yanan

Afterward reporter interviewed several students and the guardian. Fourth-grade student Chen Moumou said that on 19th studies by oneself early, sixth-grade level teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang arrives at their classroom entrance, said to their Ban Li Mr./Mrs.: My Ban Youlia have not completed the work, Jiang Yuerang I took the book to hit, Chen Yanan let me punish by forcing to stand.

The sixth-grade level student Jiang Yue family Yangtze River establishes a theory: Listens to the child to go home to mumble, teacher took the book to hit my family child head, (referred to Jiang Yue and Chen Yanan) for this pairs child has punished by forcing to stand, stood the long time I not to ask.

Sixth-grade level student guardian Chen Shusen said that his child went home to him saying that Chen Yanan is punished by forcing to stand by teacher two classes, has cried two classes, afterward tidies up the book bag to go home not to read.


Feared that the guardian suspended classes noisily for two days

on 27th afternoon, reporter arrives at 51 village elementary schools, the front door cages, the entire drill ground is empty, does not have a person. Said that was teaches preschool's Mr./Mrs. Wang Zhong Hua saying that teacher and the students had a vacation, the entire school on him and the gate guard two people, principal held a meeting. Authorizes by town center school principal, because Schoolmate Chen Yanan commits suicide the matter, feared that the family member makes, the school already suspended classes for two days. This school altogether 12 teachers, each grade class, 6 class altogether more than 100 students. Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia is the pear tree Normal school graduation, taught for 78 years. To his knowledge, at that time Mr./Mrs. Wang said to Chen Yanan mathematics you write English, I say can understand what is heard? Chen Yanan stood, let her sit down she not to sit down.

Principal: The school and teacher do not have the responsibility

Because the family member thought that the school to this matter accountability, reporter through telephone segment 51 village elementary school Principal Wang Fuchang .21 date that day, has looked the Bureau of Education three departments to the school is related teacher and the student investigates. The police station public security production brigade, departments and so on criminal police production brigade already proved that this matter school and teacher do not have the responsibility. Teacher in charge teacher the matter which punishes by forcing to stand for Schoolmate Chen Yanan does not have absolutely. Chen Yanan writes the thing is the genuine and fake needs the technical appraisal, and is the idea which child guessed. Chen Yanan teacher in charge Wang Yinxia is the school advanced backbone teacher. To the Chen Yanan death whether with school related, he said that we did not know. As soon as regarding suspending classes, he called these two day of family members to help the human to make, frightened the student has feared, the family member said that must come continuously noisy seven days, forced the school to suspend classes. Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia trades newly the calling card, he does not know the number.

Reporter arrives at teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia the family, his/her mother-in-law said that Wang Yinxia the mother resulted in cerebral thrombus, she returned to the ch'eng chia t'un maternal home, Wang Yinxia did not have the handset, was unable to relate.

Police: The student is firmly commits suicide

In view of this matter, Shuangliao municipal public security bureau people in charge said that after it happened,new born baby accessories, in the bureau sends the public security, the criminal police two production brigade personnel to form the survey team to go to investigate, Chen Yanan is firmly the suicide, the family member does not have the objection to its suicide. After the investigation,cheap kids clothing stores, the police had not said that the school and teacher do have the responsibility.

Bureau of Education: Not corporal punishment and in disguised form corporal punishment

In the evening, reporter arrives at Shuangliao city Bureau of Education. The disciplinary inspection monitor chamber and the security branch two people in charge accepted reporter to interview. According to monitor chamber Director Wei Lianfu introduced that on 19th past 10:00 pm, the bureau leaders receive the school the report .20 date mornings which dies about Chen Yanan, the family member arrive in the bureau the reflection situation, and hands in Chen Yanan posthumous writings which stays behind to the guardian. The same day, bureau Assistant Deputy Secretary Liu Guanghui charges the policies and regulations branch, the disciplinary inspection monitor chamber, the security branch three departments to unite the composition survey team immediately to 51 village elementary schools, carries on the investigation to this school several concerned teachers and the student. Knew after the investigation: The same day 7.40 points, the student to the school on the early class, teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia counsels mathematics, an every two student group to answer. Mr./Mrs. Wang discovers Chen Yanan and river month two schoolmates not to the answer, and is writing English work, how asks Chen Yanan you not to the answer? Chen Yanan had not replied that teacher has not punished by forcing to stand .8dian10 the minute to attend class officially, the 1st class class in English on just, Chen Yanan to Mr./Mrs. Zhang Xiaohui who taught English asked for leave must go home, Mr./Mrs. Zhang let Chen Yanan ask the teacher in charge to ask for leave, Chen Yanan looked for teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. immediately Wang, Chen Yanan said to Mr./Mrs. Wang, she did not want to read in this, wanted to go to the outside areas, after Mr./Mrs. Wang and the Chen Yanan daddy telephone communication, daddy had not agreed that Mr./Mrs. Wang returned to Chen Yanan the class and grade. According to Mr./Mrs. Zhang says, after Chen Yanan returns to the classroom, flushes the wall profile in own seat place to stand, lets her sit down, she did not sit, has stood a class. The second section was also the class in English, Chen Yanan has sat down, attended a lecture normally, was on vacation from school until the afternoon 4.20 points, teacher and the student reflected, Chen Yanan not exceptionally.

Director Wei said that through investigates teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia, English Mr./Mrs. Zhang Xiaohui as well as four knows the circumstances of the matter schoolmate, Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia in educates Chen Yanan in the process, does not have excessively many extreme languages, also does not have the corporal punishment and in disguised form the corporal punishment student, recognizes the school and teacher, in the student dies in the event not to have the responsibility. It is known that Chen Yanan in the class and grade is the first five students, 13 year-old child like this walked, the school and Bureau of Education express deeply the sympathy. If the family member refuses to accept in bureau's investigation to recognize, suggested the family member may walk the legal proceeding.

In view of reporter proposed that the knowing the circumstances of the matter student and guardian's different view, Director Wei indicated: He these new situations to the bureau leader report, and does the thorough investigation.

Teacher in charge:

Not any extreme behavior

After Bureau of Education and elementary school principal's coordinated, Mr./Mrs. Wang Yinxia has accepted reporter the telephone interview. According to Mr./Mrs. Wang says, punishes by forcing to stand the matter to Jiang Yue and Schoolmate Chen Yanan not to have, also has not said Chen Yanan anything. Besides the normal education, she does not have any extreme behavior. Chen Yanan is a good student, the self-respect is very strong. Hasn't completed the work why as for her and specifically has at home had any matter,cute little girls clothes, asked that she did not say. Not the means and her father have communicated, such selects the matter. Can commit suicide why regarding the child, I also have the doubts. Regarding the Chen Yanan two pages of posthumous writings, Mr./Mrs. Wang explains said: I did not know that this child psychology is such extreme, when do I stare at her not to put?

They simultaneously write English work by me to discover that has hit the river month I to forget, has not bumped absolutely to Chen Yanan, this point student may prove. Mr./Mrs. Wang said; English teacher two days remains ahead of time the work, Chen Yanan usually does not have does not complete the work time, I really did not understand is any reason. The child has not completed the work, telephoned to the guardian, I thought that is very normal. After firing off the telephone, I urge her several, good easy to learn, the child is very happy.

Mr./Mrs. Wang said: This child has taught from one year to six year me, she is an introverted child absolutely, I like this child very much. The child educated has been too difficult, teacher might say that might not say does not dare to say. Mr./Mrs. Wang indicated that her has worked as teacher's responsibility, thought that now very suffering from injustice .28 date 16:30, reporter found, in the morning, the Bureau of Education Department concerned two times comes this school investigation the same day. The same day the clothing the town 51 village elementary schools restore first attend class, sixth-grade level teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Wang has not gone to work, serves as a substitute teacher by other teachers.

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